Thursday, January 8, 2009

SMAM Newsflash!!!!

Phil and Nearly Nudie Ned are out of the closet (still under the bed)! Their shared dietary interests have spurred a beatiful friendship between pig and bunny, and I honestly think Phil is happier and less evil for the first time since Harriet. I think this means I have a new resident, but Ned's pretty low maintinence and I don't miss feeling all guilty about Phil's depression.

As for avian reproductive news - the second batch of eggs has arrived! I was feeling suspicious - I think their cooing changed in tenor a bit - so I checked the elaborate (and stinky) nest ...

There are some well placed dog hairs in that third picture for scale. So tiny! I was going to just crack the eggs into Joy's bowl and leave it at that, but I started imagining opening a fertilized egg, and if the little fetus was old enough it might be really uncomfortable to be dumped into the cold air and then eaten. So I put them in the fridge, which seemed like a better way to meet your end. I replaced the eggs with some wooden beads to stave off grief, but considering they kicked their first batch out of the nest (clumsy or infanticidal?), I think they'll be fine.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hematoma day

Wednesday at work was Hematoma day. It royally sucked, and I feel superbly inadequate at kitty blood draws. Cats have these leg veins that are right on the surface underneath their papery thin skin and what with them kicking and hissing and generally trying to kill you, it's super hard not to poke right through that little vessel. Piercing the vessel is apparently pretty painful, because they always kick extra hard when you do that, pulling away from the needle, ripping the vein further, creating a goliath hematoma, king of all hematomas. And since I shave the area before I poke, the kitty has a giant and very visible bruise for adopters to admire. And then I have to put in a note so patrons and staff know just who is beating up these helpless, homeless, tiny little bundles of love.