Monday, June 30, 2008


Sunday, June 29, 2008



Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

Took the words right out of my mouth...

"Religion says: Do this! --- Think like that!--- but it cannot justify it, and if it tries to, it becomes repellent, because for every reason it offers there is a valid counter feel you were being cheated, that someone [a sneaky theodicist] was trying to convince you by trickery."

"And neither shall we tolerate that swindle which the believers are guilty of when they call and act 'a most shameful crime,' 'a most irreparable infamy,' as long as it is done by a man, but an 'act of inscrutable love' if God is its author. Either one or the other: the same law and the same sentence, but not the same law and different sentences." (no half-assed anthropomorphising people!)

On a completely unrelated note...always good to check in at!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Do you realize...

...there's a really large rabbit by your head?

Yes I do. I don't think he's going to attack, but just in case I'll hold very still. So far he seems satisfied with nibbling my hair.

I found a walled in patio out behind the dorm and was lying in the sun while the bunnies "ran" about in the fresh air. Sometimes I don't know why I bother getting them out for "exercise." They each hop about three feet and then settle in for a nap and some ear twitching. Oh well. got to keep them stimulated so their neuronal connections don't shrivel up.
I'm not sure why this is so hilarious, but it just is.
This is also funny. But i think i'm in a mood where everything is.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

It Feels So Good

I find this song really satisfying:

Just a tip: Always make sure you have concrete plans with your interviewer before you fly 1000 miles for a job interview. CRAP.

Wow, these are fantastic mojitos. I think rum is good for paper writing.

Also, look how cute this is!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Procrastination pays off

One of my captioned pics got chosen for ihasahotdog - Yay!

Library Emergency

A whole new kind of emergency.

I was working on my paper yesterday when one of the librarians rushed into the reference room, crossing the carpet in a rustling hustle that only a librarian could pull off. She whispered to the gentleman librarian at the desk, "THERE'S BEEN AN EMERGENCY!!" I pricked my ears, thinking by the panic in her voice that perhaps the fourth floor had been conquered by hostile forces, or valuable tomes were bursting into flames and shrieking satanic verses, or maybe one of the printers had achieved self awareness and was destroying humanity. The librarian continued breathlessly, "Tom's dropped a book on his foot. GET SOME ICE!!!" Stat.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

If you think ketsup is spicy...

you might be a Minnesotan.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Too much to do..

..need more slacking off... ack! at least i have bunnies to pet, and it's been sunny for a few days! nearly cuts the humidity down below 100%. Why do peops live in the midwest? yeesh.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Puzzles! oh dorky yay!

Although this blog is already a show case for my nerdiness, i thought i'd just add to the pile. MN Companion Rabbit Society (from which I adopted my lovelies) now has a game page with bunny jigsaw puzzles. I find this fun. Here's the link if you are also procrastinating:
While you're there...lots of good bunnies needing