Saturday, August 30, 2008

Now in Denver...

And only one mile from work! Sir Phillip loves his new apartment. His house-rabbit lifestyle puts him in such a good mood that he often lets me share the bed...

.. as long as I don't snore or wake him up from an afternoon nap. Disapproving rabbit? I should say so!!Phil birdwatching with the ladies (Mugene's the tortie on the left and Marley's the calico on the right). Foley emerging from Phil's subterranean rabbitat.

Darrell and Joy do their best to keep the animals entertained by flapping around and chirping. The cats are mesmerized by the birds, the rabbit by the cats, and the dog by the rabbit - a beautiful example of interspecies environmental enrichment. There are occasional rabbit-kitty, kitty-kitty, and dog-kitty spats, but everyone's about evenly matched in weight/ weaponry/ grumpiness, so no one gets bullied.

I'm going to have internet once we get a router hooked up. We have a deck too. It's the shit.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Most Exciting Optical Illusion Ever!!

This is a picture of MY boobs looking like they actually exist. I'm thinking about changing my facebook profile picture to this here closeup. Usually, they're much more camera shy...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So, Harriet died. Phil and I were pretty distraught. She was just dead one day when i got home from work. i was gonna get a necropsy, but it was too expensive, and the vet said that she was old enough that i shouldn't be surprised. sigh. i miss the bitch. she was a blast.

anyway, that seg-ways into the story of Lola. I went to the animal shelter (aka i went to work) and found the most feminine and calm female rabbit in the place, and adopted her. i was about to carry her out of the building, when they rechecked their papers, which had conflicting info, and decided, WAIT, NO! she wasn't spayed. So i left her there for her surgery and recovery. a week later, i'm about to pick her up, and they ask, DIDN'T YOU GET THE CALL? well, no, because you didn't call my phone number, just some random stranger. And what they had told that random stranger was that they sliced open my bunny, poked around for a good long while, could not for the life of them find ovaries, and had an AH HA moment. Neutered male! (retarded vet? yes, i wondered that too). To give them credit, it is really hard to sex rabbits, esp if they're not intact. Lola was originally named for Bugs Bunny's girlfriend, but you can't say that s/he doesn't remind you of this classic...

Well, I'm not dumb but I can't understand
Why she walks like a woman and talks like a man
Oh my Lola, lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo Lola

Yeah, so s/he's still named Lola, and Phil is slowly converting to homosexuality, although he's taking his sweet time with it. They cuddled for the first time today! big breakthrough. Just so you know how hard sexing bunnies is, below is a picture of their tiny junk, pushed out of it's furry crevice by a finger. the left one is a buck, and the right one is a doe.

Friday, August 1, 2008

It feels so good...

but it looks so bad...Why can't I look like this with short hair? Unfair!

Or this? How much is this woman saving on shampoo? ahh - damn my whiteness!!

Urban Sprawl

A picture I took from Bluff Park in Highlands Ranch. But now I live here...
upgrade much? me thinks so.