The fastest growing tumor I'd ever seen belonged to Trapper, a black labbie who was in and out of the AHC every couple of weeks. Her tumor was just under her right eye and rock hard. It would literally double in size every two weeks. I have no idea how bone could grow that quickly. I also don't know why the owner's weren't treating it, or removing it, or doing something. Maybe it was just too aggressive. By the time I left for school it was the size of my foot. Anyway, it was dreadful, but Thistle's tumor is kicking it's ass in growth speed. I found a pea sized lump just behind her right armpit (where her boob would be if she was human). I think I didn't find it earlier because she's kinda chunky, unlike her very svelte sister (RIP). Anyway, it's only a few days later, and it's about as big as her head. It's not really hard like Trappers, but feels more like Rosie's lipomas, one of which is, oddly enough, in the exact same place as Thistle's. She's still all spunky, but my heart is heavy. She's cute as a button and has become such a sweetie since widowed (she was named Thistle for a reason).
I AM Daring Greatly
12 years ago
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