Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wednesday Again

It's humane society day! I can't wait! Just to make the happiness more complete, Minnesota has become somewhat spring-like within the last couple of days. It got to forty degrees yesterday. I know - incredible. I did a terrible job of celebrating the weather by going to the indoor pool for my workout. Alas, a wimpy upper body is sometimes just a first priority.

Even with the beautiful weather, I still think of Costa Rica every day. I don't miss the mud of the humid tropics, but most everything else. I'm keeping up with Pablo's recommendation of daily honey for my mono, which must be working because as I'm closing in on 7 months of viral slavery, things are really looking up. I went on my first real (more than one continuous mile) run on Monday, and tasted the deliciousness of a runner's high, and finally felt at peace with the world. It was only four miles (because I have such excellent restraint you know), and my legs are still tired. At least it gives me a lot to work for.

Here's an adorable picture of a puppy I found while screwing around online last night. So cute!

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