Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Kipster is my HomeFry

Neuroenergetic Release is fun! Dr Don Kipp got me all fixed up, and now I'm hardly a hunchback at all. Last night we had a blizzard of giant wet snow globs. Woe is me. I miss Haliewa, even if it was chock full of hungry sharks.

Today began with a bit of a panic, but then I discovered the blessing that is our class curve. My 55% turned into a B+, and I feel much less inadequate, lame, hopeless, etc. It reminds me of good old Animal Physiology, where Prof Walter never failed to be baffled by our upside-down bell curve. With a titch of sleuth work, we figured out that everyone who'd taken Anat and Phys was on the happy end of the curve, and the rest of us poor suckers were down below the C's. I'm so bitter, ew.

Here's another of my favorite pictures ->
What a noble nose-ed doggie. I hope he eats organic (fresh breath)!

Another thing I really like is Seasonique, my wondrous Pill. Not only do I have periods only every three months, but they're nearly my favorite time of the month (because I can't stop wallowing in the joy that is headache-freedom). He he he. Michigan Head Pain Institute can suck my balls. Well, that's wasn't very nice. I suppose they tried, in some sick, what-you-don't-like -horrible-side-effects? way. Someone is warming up for opera in the practice room down the hall. Poor girl. I'm so glad I'm a runner so I don't have to freak people out with my warbling.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Favorite Picture Ever

Gag Cough

I'm trying to study for my two last midterms, but oh my goodness, this computer lab smells like hell. There's one of those meaty football types behind me, oozing cologne from every last fatty neck fold. My eyes are watering. Eewie. I'm not opposed to minor stink-cover-up efforts, but no need to pollute the airspace.

Here's my perfume. Maybe it drives people to painful distraction, but hopefully they just feel all warm inside thinking of spring time and mossy forests.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Fuckity Fuck It

Sometimes I think I'm really good at handling stress, and then sometimes reality just boots me in the ass. I spent five hours studying for my Environmental Policy midterm, except I actually spent five hours studying for last year's midterm, for which there was a study guide on the class website, labeled "Midterm 2008." The one I studied had exactly none of the material that's on the one I'm taking on Thursday. Why, why, why Professor? I'm all twitchy, and I'm dying for a fleshy neck to rip out with my teeth. I could have spent those beautiful hours studying for my other midterms, catching up on homework from flu-week, or if nothing else, cuddling with pit bulls! Just to flesh this rant out a bit: I've been assigned a policy paper and a research proposal for spring break. That's just mean. How am I supposed to do research in a shack in HI? HARUMPH!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Morning Thunder

It has come into question whether or not Watt actually has a cottage worthy of his name. He does indeed possess an appropriately huge back end. He's pretty much ripped all over, actually.

I found a new favorite tea. And yes, I bought it because it has a buffalo on the box.
Bison leak black ooze when very dead (in my experience). Perhaps that's the magically delicious ingredient in my tea, although it might just be Mate. I once poked buffalo ooze with a stick, and it was good. I also squeezed his foot. Surprisingly spongey. Mmmm.

I have some midterms next week. Pooie. Biopsych is so nifty though, I hardly mind all the test business. It's mind blowing to learn about your brain... with your brain. Ahh! 

My glutes are really sore from running, so hopefully my bum will become less flubbulous soon. For now, I'll just continue absentmindedly rubbing it. Dearest Thistle is still not dead! Don't know how a tumor that monstrous can be benign. She actually seems to be doing pretty great. What a little trooper! 

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Tirade

My favorite part of the morning: pouring water over my coffee grounds and they make a crackling foamy sound.

My favorite part of the week: cuddling with a pit bull in public, to the surprise of jaded passersby.

This is Tyson, who I call Watt (short for wattage cottage) because he has amazing acceleration. This is a terrible picture, but you can just see the little polka dots on his ears, which must be a big hit with the ladies. He's a major love bug, and has also a great personality: not a pushover, but not bossy either.

If you, like so many poor souls, are a brain-washed doggie racist, please check out this website:

We need to specifically prosecute irresponsible and cruel pet owners, not loving animal guardians, and definitely not the innocent pups (who are left homeless). Animal shelters are filled with "illegal" individuals who have scant chance of finding new homes. Pit bulls are glorious! Please consider signing the pledge at the above-mentioned website!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wednesday Again

It's humane society day! I can't wait! Just to make the happiness more complete, Minnesota has become somewhat spring-like within the last couple of days. It got to forty degrees yesterday. I know - incredible. I did a terrible job of celebrating the weather by going to the indoor pool for my workout. Alas, a wimpy upper body is sometimes just a first priority.

Even with the beautiful weather, I still think of Costa Rica every day. I don't miss the mud of the humid tropics, but most everything else. I'm keeping up with Pablo's recommendation of daily honey for my mono, which must be working because as I'm closing in on 7 months of viral slavery, things are really looking up. I went on my first real (more than one continuous mile) run on Monday, and tasted the deliciousness of a runner's high, and finally felt at peace with the world. It was only four miles (because I have such excellent restraint you know), and my legs are still tired. At least it gives me a lot to work for.

Here's an adorable picture of a puppy I found while screwing around online last night. So cute!

Monday, March 3, 2008


The fastest growing tumor I'd ever seen belonged to Trapper, a black labbie who was in and out of the AHC every couple of weeks. Her tumor was just under her right eye and rock hard. It would literally double in size every two weeks. I have no idea how bone could grow that quickly. I also don't know why the owner's weren't treating it, or removing it, or doing something. Maybe it was just too aggressive. By the time I left for school it was the size of my foot. Anyway, it was dreadful, but Thistle's tumor is kicking it's ass in growth speed. I found a pea sized lump just behind her right armpit (where her boob would be if she was human). I think I didn't find it earlier because she's kinda chunky, unlike her very svelte sister (RIP). Anyway, it's only a few days later, and it's about as big as her head. It's not really hard like Trappers, but feels more like Rosie's lipomas, one of which is, oddly enough, in the exact same place as Thistle's. She's still all spunky, but my heart is heavy. She's cute as a button and has become such a sweetie since widowed (she was named Thistle for a reason).

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Fat Boy Clothes

I discovered a couple of years ago that buying fat boy clothes can be much cheaper than buying lady clothes. At REI I got this great kid's coat that was a third of the price of the adult coats, but thanks to the obesity epidemic, it came in my size! I also have some mittens, and other cool things. You should be warned that this does not carry over to socks. The kids socks are a buck and a half cheaper, and you'd think that boys have big feet, but they're just not big enough. Sock sewers are clearly not being considerate of children with fat feet. I'm offended, and I have three pairs of really tight socks that I refuse to give up because they're fancy Smartwool knockoffs.