Today began with a bit of a panic, but then I discovered the blessing that is our class curve. My 55% turned into a B+, and I feel much less inadequate, lame, hopeless, etc. It reminds me of good old Animal Physiology, where Prof Walter never failed to be baffled by our upside-down bell curve. With a titch of sleuth work, we figured out that everyone who'd taken Anat and Phys was on the happy end of the curve, and the rest of us poor suckers were down below the C's. I'm so bitter, ew.
Here's another of my favorite pictures ->

What a noble nose-ed doggie. I hope he eats organic (fresh breath)!
Another thing I really like is Seasonique, my wondrous Pill. Not only do I have periods only every three months, but they're nearly my favorite time of the month (because I can't stop wallowing in the joy that is headache-freedom). He he he. Michigan Head Pain Institute can suck my balls. Well, that's wasn't very nice. I suppose they tried, in some sick, what-you-don't-like -horrible-side-effects? way. Someone is warming up for opera in the practice room down the hall. Poor girl. I'm so glad I'm a runner so I don't have to freak people out with my warbling.