You didn't know! Except you probably already know these things because I don't have many secrets.
1. I dated - past tense, phew - a certian someone with a tattoo that reads, "Trust No Bitch." It was tattooed in ink made out of a suspension of lotion ashes and god knows what else. Amy's taste in men? Questionable apparently.
2. I love grocery shopping! You find the randomest things on sale and you get creative and the possibilities open up before's like creating a new painting!
3. I once spent the night sleeping in an outhouse because I was too scared to sleep on top of it, and I sure as hell wasn't lying out like a cat poop in a dog park with grizzles around.
4. The first time I saw a moose, it ambled out (ever so suddenly) from behind a nearby tree and I peed my pants. Unfortunately I had a UTI so I didn't just pee a little, I drenched my pants, the only pants for many miles, and had to break through ice to wash off in the river. In retrospect, I'm not sure what the point of washing off was - warm pee seems better than cold water when winter backpacking.
5. If I were a therapist, I would be like Cesar Millan and have one solution for every problem: Get a dog. I would not have survived highschool (socially at least) without those walks with Po and Pill, I attribute much of my headache healing to Iggy, and since I've had Joy I've been able to cut my prozac dose in half! Ponies are good too.
I AM Daring Greatly
12 years ago