Saturday, August 30, 2008

Now in Denver...

And only one mile from work! Sir Phillip loves his new apartment. His house-rabbit lifestyle puts him in such a good mood that he often lets me share the bed...

.. as long as I don't snore or wake him up from an afternoon nap. Disapproving rabbit? I should say so!!Phil birdwatching with the ladies (Mugene's the tortie on the left and Marley's the calico on the right). Foley emerging from Phil's subterranean rabbitat.

Darrell and Joy do their best to keep the animals entertained by flapping around and chirping. The cats are mesmerized by the birds, the rabbit by the cats, and the dog by the rabbit - a beautiful example of interspecies environmental enrichment. There are occasional rabbit-kitty, kitty-kitty, and dog-kitty spats, but everyone's about evenly matched in weight/ weaponry/ grumpiness, so no one gets bullied.

I'm going to have internet once we get a router hooked up. We have a deck too. It's the shit.


Carol said...

that picture of all watching the bird cage is hilarious!

Whipper said...

Where is your apt in Denver?

Would you like to do dinner sometime next week?