I made my finches a bea-ut-tiful cage out of snap-together shelving and wire and coroplast (has nothing to do with photosynthesis). I'm feeling very proud of myself. And I have lots of holes poked through my exoderm. And I accidentally stabbed my leg with a exacto-knife. So worth it.

Here's the happy couple. They're siblings, but I'm not going to tell them that. It might complicate the romance. They're fawn zebra finches (from australia's grasslands).

Joy gazing out the window (what a beauty). Longing for freedom? Unappreciative little snot; I almost want to tell her about owls and malnutrition, but we'll let her dream.

Darrell striking a handsome pose. Isn't he a looker? And his mating call is getting pretty good too. He practices every morning between 4:30 and 8. Uff da. Dedicated much?

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