Senioritis is an agonizing phenomenon. Well, technically I have Early-Grad-Junior-itis. Equally painful, I assure you. Just when you really need to tuck in for finals, the sun comes out and you want nothing more than to grab the social orgy that is college and cling to it with every graduating breath.
Oh, my boy bun has officially been named Phil (Phillip if he's naughty). I'll probably keep calling him BooBoo, but at least I won't have to introduce him as such (humiliating, poor whittle poopsie). I would post more pictures of their rabbity cuteness, but my camera is dead as a hamburger. Also, the buns are often too inappropriate for documentation. Honestly, I don't even want to know what they do when I'm not in the room. On the other hand, bunny foreplay is very romantic, with lots of nuzzling, ear licking, and what looks like chin-administered back massages.
I'm attempting to complete one of those really painful, sum - up - everything - you - learned - in - this - horrible - class - type papers. kill me now? As you can see, I'm taking a "break." Honestly, it probably looks more like I'm taking breaks from everything else to write the paper. But I have to keep my tea mug filled! And snacks are very important. And I really ought to vacuum, again. I love vacuuming! Few things are as satisfying as vacuuming (among the few: cutting doggie toenails, mucking stalls, and lighting Prof Walter on fire -- mmmmm, yes, that knee-length sweater looks much better in little-charred-flakes form.) oop, better take a pee break (lots of tea).
Oh, my hint of sickness has turned into a bacterial party in my lungs. I didn't work out for 3 days to give it a chance to recover, and this is how my body repays me! Ridiculous! I'm tempted to do intervals just to punish it. By the way Mr. disease-ridden person who gave this to me, I know who you are, and this is coming out of your brownie-points account!
PS - Thank you God of Flora for the coffee bean!
I AM Daring Greatly
12 years ago
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