Harriet makes me laugh every day. She's pretty much a bitch, and I'm loving it. If I stop petting her to pet Phil she growls, and if I don't immediately return to her service she'll glower and bat at my hand with an adorably fluffy paw. When she wants breakfast (seven sharp!), she'll jump on my bed and hop circles on my feet until I feed her. And nothing makes her madder than a fresh litter box, oh boy. Worked all night to get that thing in order, hay bits over here, poopies over there, newspapers shredded just so, and then I have the nerve to dump it out and make her start over... every day! If she's sitting under the desk when I return the litter box she'll shove it back out at me, disgusted. Sometimes I push it back just to get her goat, and oo doggie does that get her grumbling. There's a website called "Disapproving Rabbits" on which this girl has a future. Here's a pic of a bun with a face much like Harriet's disgusted with humans face.

nice picture!!! She sounds quite hilarious. Lily's birthday is this weekend, be sure to wish her a happy birthday if you talk to her!
FUNNY! Should I say MEOW?
no you should not say meow. harumph.
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