We attempted to go dancing, but we couldn't find a party (although I danced anyway, yay tequila). All the bars were dead (aka full of old folks and creepy staring dudes). We did get some fantastic pizza. Superbad is pretty funny (when intoxicated), and I did get in a lot of my freaky laughing (which apparently sounds like Alien's mating cry, thanks for i.d.ing that noise Ben).
Which reminds me, AVPII (Alien vs Predator Requiem) is terrible! This may not sound like shocking news, but the first one had redeeming qualities (like a romantic, let's tattoo ourselves with acid to remember this moment, scene) , and they didn't kill a nursery full of newborns, and several pregnant women, and two children, and a german shepherd, which is just unacceptable cinema etiquette. Movie people: you may only kill dudes and bimbos. ONLY dudes a

I'm gonna go indoor biking now (because there's snow on the ground, unbeweevable!).
here's a caption for that photo....
"Come on, baby. It's my birthday."
wow, my mom will enjoy that.
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