Tuesday, April 22, 2008

One undeniable benefit of a liberal arts education is the ability to feign passion at a moment's notice. If I'm ever applying for a job I'm not excited about, this will come in handy. Currently, I'm writing an emphatic argument against Oregon's Measure 37 for my policy paper. I had not heard of Measure 37 until, oh lets see, yesterday. My God! Repeal this horrid legislation moonlighting as good policy, and repeal it immediately! See, and all the while I don't actually care - amazing.

There are those who say our generation shall be "the first to die of apathy." The above paragraph provides good evidence for that, BUT those crazy nostalgic pessimists should ask me about dog food sometime! Or the lack of affordable spay-neuter programs! Or polar bears, global climate change, how we're all gonna die on our mindless progression towards evil, etc, etc. Apathy? Come on old people, I think we all know who the real apathetic losers are. You guys only went to rallies because mob mentality is so damn fun.

Apparently I'm also not apathetic about people calling me apathetic. Most old people are actually great, like the FOJ's I met in Costa Rica. (FOJ's are, obviously, Friends of Jane Goodall. Yes they have an acronym; all self-respecting religions do). Additionally, so far I've done, um, oh wait, nothing to save the world. Except buy a few tee-shirts and a goat or two for developing nations. Fine, you win old people, you win.

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