Saturday, April 26, 2008

Weekend lovlies

Last night we celebrated my birthday in line with our sleazy tradition. I now have a pair of edible underwear ( chocolate and strawberry), a tape called Sex Music (oh, why hello there study buddy. yes, i'm just gonna put on some music to help us think straight. ho hum. what's this cd? oh, just a little mix I made. why? does it remind you of.. of something? wow, it's so warm in here. bow chicka...), and a light-up martini glass. Also, Trashy makes an incredible Amaretto Sour. Holy wow.

We attempted to go dancing, but we couldn't find a party (although I danced anyway, yay tequila). All the bars were dead (aka full of old folks and creepy staring dudes). We did get some fantastic pizza. Superbad is pretty funny (when intoxicated), and I did get in a lot of my freaky laughing (which apparently sounds like Alien's mating cry, thanks for that noise Ben).

Which reminds me, AVPII (Alien vs Predator Requiem) is terrible! This may not sound like shocking news, but the first one had redeeming qualities (like a romantic, let's tattoo ourselves with acid to remember this moment, scene) , and they didn't kill a nursery full of newborns, and several pregnant women, and two children, and a german shepherd, which is just unacceptable cinema etiquette. Movie people: you may only kill dudes and bimbos. ONLY dudes and bimbos. Newborns and german shepherds, my god, what is the world coming to? I've included a pic of PredAlien (the witty name for evil Predator Alien hybrids) about to kill a pregnant woman so you too can feel the slimy terror.

I'm gonna go indoor biking now (because there's snow on the ground, unbeweevable!).

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

One undeniable benefit of a liberal arts education is the ability to feign passion at a moment's notice. If I'm ever applying for a job I'm not excited about, this will come in handy. Currently, I'm writing an emphatic argument against Oregon's Measure 37 for my policy paper. I had not heard of Measure 37 until, oh lets see, yesterday. My God! Repeal this horrid legislation moonlighting as good policy, and repeal it immediately! See, and all the while I don't actually care - amazing.

There are those who say our generation shall be "the first to die of apathy." The above paragraph provides good evidence for that, BUT those crazy nostalgic pessimists should ask me about dog food sometime! Or the lack of affordable spay-neuter programs! Or polar bears, global climate change, how we're all gonna die on our mindless progression towards evil, etc, etc. Apathy? Come on old people, I think we all know who the real apathetic losers are. You guys only went to rallies because mob mentality is so damn fun.

Apparently I'm also not apathetic about people calling me apathetic. Most old people are actually great, like the FOJ's I met in Costa Rica. (FOJ's are, obviously, Friends of Jane Goodall. Yes they have an acronym; all self-respecting religions do). Additionally, so far I've done, um, oh wait, nothing to save the world. Except buy a few tee-shirts and a goat or two for developing nations. Fine, you win old people, you win.

Friday, April 18, 2008

OH!! OOO! OO! Thank You!

Thank you so much Chris!! So, so much! Wow! Maybe the best present ever! My smile is epic.

You will notice on this website, squatting between apples is Ian, my little gray hamster, and today is my birthday! My favorite hamster is on my favorite website! Chris T!
This is just after I adopted Ian from the Dane County Humane Society. He is so terribly disgruntled because I was trying to trim his ridiculously long toenails. He he he. Ah wonderful.

The last post is a video I got from cuteoverload, and I was already very happy with cuteoverload's selection of cuteness today when I scrolled down just a bit more, and discovered...WOW!

He He He

This is hilarious (in my humble opinion)! Timbo in particular might enjoy it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chuck Chuck

Ben loaned me The Truth About Chuck Norris.

My Favorite facts so far:

"Alien vs. Predator is an autobiographical depiction of Chuck Norris's first sexual experience."

"When you look back and see only one set of footprints, that's when Chuck Norris was carrying you."

"The only line Chuck Norris stands in is the line of fire."

"Chuck Norris doesn't sleep. He waits."

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Just killed a religion paper. Take that, you religion paper, you. Ahora life is very stressful. Ah, to be a carefree freshman. I haven't been having much luck securing a flippin' sweet job for next year, and the damn applications take way too much effort. Enugh. Furthermore, time is flying, and finals are arriving, and deadlines are flashing by like crazy flashing things. Olaf offers a class in cutting and pasting bits of colored paper. Sounds delightfully mindless, but somehow I'm pretty bad at it. I get out my frustration with some arc welding, and maybe a bit of plasma cutting. Yeah, I'm pretty much a Jedi.

Sunny Sunday

The sun was visible today! Good God, a miracle! I went for a lovely run through the arb. Mmmm lovely. And then I ate my favorite kind of soup for lunch, and then I almost beat Chris at chess! (which has never happened). Muah hah hah. We were down to a king a piece and my one horsie, and it was just going to take forever and possibly never end, so we truced. Further good news - I just finished Be the Pack Leader while brooping (book + poop) yesterday. And yes, it should be titled Leader of the Pack, Vroom Vroom. Bad writing, not enough pictures, and (for the most part) the same information as his first book, but I have bottomless forgiveness for sexy Cesar, so Hurray. It did have some nice diagrams.

Cesar's finest moment: "The most empowering thing you can do in your life is to fulfill another living being's needs." Hear hear.
Cesar's lowest moment: "Don't worry, this isn't an environmental book." Why on earth not, you crazed noodle-brain? Sigh.

Sort of on that line of thought, Alissandra once painted a gorgeous Alaskan landscape and then put a big, ugly oil rig in the middle of the wildflowers. The woman who bought it was a supporter of drilling in ANWR and loved how the painting glorified human progress. Whoops. Missed the point there.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Golden Micies

Chris just sent me some pics of the girls from his fancy camera. Thanks Chris for the beautiful editing.
Thistle was always the chubby one. "Shmoo" is complements of Suzie B, who dubbed our muffin tops as such in Costa Rica.

Here's a really cute one of Tulip:

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Never put protein powder in your morning oatmeal

It tastes disgusting, and it's also remarkable glue-like.

This dog is Lily in black with a penis! I've never met a more Lily-like creature! His name is John Wayne, but I just called him Lily. His fur even feels just like hers. Miraculous! I've added a picture of Lily for comparision. She is, of course, more beautiful.

And here's a dog my mom would love. He's a 110lb lab/dane mix, and the best of both breeds. He loves playing soccer and is so gentle with obnoxious chihuahuas.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Oh my

Didn't love this book, but OH MY the imagery is gorgeous:

"dropped from the sky like a sugar donut, just like a falling star, and exploded down to earth"

"It's like all of a sudden he let go a million moths all over the dusty furniture and swan-neck shadows and in our bones."

"You can never have too much sky. You can fall asleep and wake up drunk on sky, and sky can keep you safe when you are sad. Here there is too much sadness and not enough sky."

Stress Management at Rice County Humane

Maya was my shelter favorite on Friday. Of course, it's hard to go wrong with a labie mix. I tried to teach her to swim in the Cannon river, and she really wanted that stick, but just couldn't take the plunge. She reminds me a bit of Lily, except a tad less silly. She was so happy to come when I called her, as if she was thrilled that I wanted her with me : )

And look how grown up miss Lola is! I can't fathom why no one has adopted her yet. Her teeth are much less pointy and vicious. And look at those cute little brindles!

Isn't this a beautiful little owl finch? I'd never seen one before. I wish finches were cuddly because they're so pretty and chipper.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Thistle's Last Day

I decided to put Thistle to sleep today. She just gave me the saddest look last night, and it seemed like time. Here's a picture of us at the vet. She's getting sleepy from the little dose of anestesia they gave her so she wouldn't be frightened by the big needle-in-the-chest finale. It was a very peaceful end for her. She's under a leaf in the forest, in the same place Tulip had her viking funeral.