Thursday, December 22, 2011
So often I feel like a million people could do my job better than I am. Some days it seems that if I just worked harder, organized better, or didn't waste so much time on stupid mistakes, I could get this place looking great, making ends meet, and walking the permaculture talk. But I'm inexperienced and not a natural leader, and I seem to have no idea where to even begin. I make bad decisions hourly and get the big picture mixed up with simple details.
Admittedly, because of all those mistakes I'm learning lessons that will probably come in handy someday. Like: don't park your trailer in a muddy field over night, don't underestimate livestocks' determination to eat expensive trees, and - the one lesson that's really determined to stick - check your f#*@ing tires before you go anywhere hauling anything! These things might save my ass someday. Then again, if there was some experienced farmer/rancher around to say, "hey, young lady, check those f#*@ing tires, park that trailer on the road, and chicken wire doesn't do shit up against a steer," maybe I could learn those lessons AND skip ahead a few (hundred) grades on all the other things I need to know out here instead of slogging along in the dark.
I frequently day dream about a career where I'm able to do an excellent job every day by simply working hard, thinking clearly, and caring deeply. I've been secretly wondering if vet school is feasible because it sounds so nice to show up at work and actually know how to do what you need to do. There's only one right way to spay a cat. (This is ridiculous. I realize that being a vet involves plenty of scary responsibility and murky decisions, but grass is always greener...) I'm in a maze where the questions aren't distinguishable from the answers, and the moment I come upon definitive reasons to make one choice, I find I should be asking a completely different question. I miss the feeling of really clear and indisputable success. Of accomplishing definitive goals.
Christmas break will involve planning and prioritizing, and maybe even setting some grand yet reasonable goals. This work is stressful, but it's challenging, exciting, liberating, and is preparing me for something good, maybe better. Maybe I'll leave here able to better balance creativity and idealism with a tight schedule and budget. Maybe I'll be a class act a little more often.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Ruby Mae!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
It's been lovely here (weird!) but we are expecting snow tonight. Phew, global warming was getting a little too up close and personal for a moment there. In anticipation of the snow, and also b/c I was just on a roll, I picked up all the absent farm animals today and brought them home! Got our two bred alpine does from Olathe, and I was pleasantly surprised when they acutally seemed excited to see me. Delilah and Pom are such sweethearts and are convincing me that goats are fun and easy and way more delightful than cattle. Too bad milk's so much harder to sell than beef. Of course the profit margin might be better, hmmm. Anyway, their baby daddy is a very handsome gentleman named Danny, who has a rich dark brown coat and should make really gorgeous babies. I guess they were both very good sports and came into heat right on schedule. Right on schedule AND 2 days apart which should make kidding season just that much easier! Such good girls. As I do not have a stock trailer, and decided after my adventure two weeks ago that stuffing two goats in the back seat of a small pickup is unplesant, I made a goat box in the back of the F 250 out of pallets and plywood and tarps and screws and bungies. It's pretty ugly, but very sturdy, and the ladies seemed to find it much more comfortable that the tiny Dodge Durango. I also enjoyed not having to dodge bickering goats while driving or smell them peeing all over the upholstery.
I'm also so excited to report that I picked up a new piggie on the way home! She's such a beauty - built like a weight lifter, but just gorgeous in a hog way! She's a Duroc, which is a good pasture breed like the Large Black, but she (and her babies) will grow a little quicker and produce a leaner meat - in other words, more appealing to modern Americans. She's red, and we're working on a good name for her. Her adopted sisters are named PeggySue and SammieJoe, so a double name might be cool, but I'm also liking Ruby. Maybe RubyMae? Ross suggested MaryJane, which I love, but then we all realized that on a farm run by a bunch of young hippies, everyone would assume we were honoring the drug and not the red-headed girlfriend of Peter Parker.
I also picked up our fat little pigmy goat from her (month long) date today. She's so hilarious! When she doesn't want to go somewhere (she's very willful, so that's everywhere that wasn't her idea to go to), she just drops her heft low over her haunches and digs in her little hooves, aka "pegs." It's completely incredible how much traction that critter can get. She can't weight over 100lbs, yet... Cait and I ended up picking her up and carrying her from her boyfriend's pen all the way up the hill to the truck, lifting her into the truck, pushing her into the pen in the truck, lifting her out of the truck, and carrying her all the way to her stall at the ranch! She didn't move a single inch on her own four feet the whole trip. I had the front, and Cait had the back; I kept getting horns in my face, and Cait kept getting farted on b/c we were squeezing her belly - lol! For all her struggling on the ground, Rosie goes pretty limp and seems to genuinely enjoy being carried. I could see her making a mental commitment to never walk anywhere again when there were humans available to chauffeur her bulk around! That is one strange goat, but her kids are going to be freaking adorable! We bred her to a nigerian dwarf buck who's pretty goofy looking :)
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Pumpkin Quinoa Cookie recipe that i think would be good w/out stevia
1 c quinoa flakes
1 c sorgum flour
1/2 c millet flour
1 T tapioca/potato starch
1 t xanthan gum
1 c sweetener
1 t cinnamon
1/2 t nutmeg
1/4 t ground cloves
1/2 c coconut oil
1 c canned pumpkin
1 T vanilla
1 T maple syrup
1/2 t lemon juice
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Evolving GF bread recipe
Whisk together dry ingredients:
2/3 cup sorghum flour
1/3 cup cornmeal
1/2 cup millet flour
1/3 cup corn starch
2/3 cup tapioca starch/flour
1/3 cup ground flax seeds
1/3 cup sunflower seeds
2/3 cup quick oats
2 teaspoons xanthan gum
1 1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp kelp granules
2 tsp rosemary
Proof yeast-
1 1/4 cup warm liquid
1 packet yeast
1 tsp maple syrup
Add to wet ingredients:
2 eggs
3 Tbs coconut oil
1 tsp lemon juice
Saturday, November 12, 2011
The more I learn, the harder this candida diet gets!
According to the foods list I got from the specialist I saw yesterday, my sweetener options are: stevia, chicolin chicory extract, vegetable glycerine, and yacon syrup. I couldn't find any of those things at Vitamin Cottage other than stevia, which tastes pretty gross to me. Internet research is telling me that the Herbal Advantage brand has a less-gross version, but I'm guessing that also means a crazy expensive version. I'm also learning that most candida patients do the strict candida diet for only a couple weeks or months and not their entire lives, which makes me a little hopeful and also makes me wonder if that's why there aren't better sugar alternatives out there. I could do fine with nothing sweet for a few weeks or months, but for years? I was raised on way too many delicious baked goods to not feel deeply desperate every time my roommate makes muffins! The search continues, and will surely result in some neat nutritional discoveries!
Right now I'm drinking my hot garlic/ginger/cheyenne water and learned about 2 ingredients which make it even more candidacidal (which definitely should be a real word if it isn't one). I switched out the Tbs of olive oil for coconut oil and added vital mineral blend sea salt instead of kosher salt - double yum! I also started adding delicious kelp granuels to food for more minerals as the candida causes some degree of leaky gut, making mineral deficiencies a common problem with yeasty people. Yeast makes me very grumpy, and the hormonal changes around menstruation increases yeast populations, so I have to wonder if much of PMS for many people is simply those yeast toxins screwing with their neurotransmitters. I just put a book called, "The Second Brain" on my reading list. It explains how the enteric nervous system affects our mood and state of mind. Here's an article from Scientific American on it: One really intersting fact which stood out: 95% of the body's seratonin is found in the large intestine!
Which reminds me, I told my mom I would send her my favorite Ted Talk, so here it is: It's the same guy who wrote Born to Run, and it is delightfully entertaining and inspiring! Every time I watch it I get such a kick out of, "Usain Bolt can get his ass kicked by a squirrel," "One thing is remarkable about all women sprinters: they all suck." I now think of my ancestors chasing down antelope when ever a run gets hard. Mom, maybe you should imagine chasing down arboricidal* elk for extra inspriation! *I'm really introducing some gems to the English language today.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Spanish and Protein cookies

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Had an awesome cross fit workout tonight! I've been going for almost two months now (other than that two week sinus infection break) and am definitely getting a little better! I'm still amazed by all the women there who are whipping out over a hundred unassisted pullups and push ups in a work out though! I'm using a stretchy band to help with the pullups and am doing the pushups on my knees just so I can complete the workouts. It's somehow amazingly fun and is a great combo of lifting and cardio. Can't recommend it highly enough!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Googling "rendering lard recipe" brought me to this very cool website which I highly recommend! There's lots to explore on it about things like the nutritional science behind sprouting grains and other homesteading-themed stuff. Rendering lard could not have been easier, and I highly recommend trying it! Here's what I did:
- Pour 1/4 inch of water in crock pot (to keep the lard on the bottom from burning before the rest melts), set on low (but not "warm")
- Add defrosted lump of ground leaf lard, chop into smaller and smaller chunks as it warms to help with even melting. I guess you need to chop the lard if it's not ground, which my next batch isn't so I'll try out.
- Keep the lid off so the water cooks off, and wait two hours, stirring and de-clumping occasionally
- Pour into colander lined with cheese cloth and sift out chunks (aka crackle)
- Pour beautiful golden liquid into jars
- Do NOT eat the crackle! Ignore directions which tell you it's delicious and tastes like bacon bits. It tastes like pig ear wax, and will make you gag unless you have four legs and a long, furry tail (maybe I cooked it incorrectly? maybe my palete is too americanized?)
On a side note - leaf lard (aka "kidney lard") is the more desirable type of lard which comes from in amongst the internal organs rather than beneath the skin (aka "fatback"). Wish the fat in the below picture was easier to see! It is beautiful, glistening pure white when it is pulled off the carcass (the back fat is more opaque and yellowish). There's a third kind of lard called the "caul fat" which is a lacy membrane that surrounds the GI tract and is really gorgeous! Apparently it's not good for rendering, but can be used to wrap meat or (I just read) as a "covering for pate." Not sure why you'd want your pate covered in a lacy layer of fat, but I've also never had pate so I'm clearly out of the loop. I have a few bags in the freezer, but i'm not planning on any wrapped meats or covered pates, so maybe I'll just drape cecil's evening meal in fancy fat now and then. It's all about the presentation with these dignified felines afterall.
Evolving pancake recipe
Right now I'm working on a PANCAKE recipe off dietdessertndogs, but it was pretty dang bland, so I've been adding to each batch. Here's what I've come up with, though it still needs something...
1/2 c almonds
1/4 c flax seed meal
1 c unsweetened almond/coconut milk
1.5 Tbs xylitol
1 Tbs lemon juice
1 tsp lemon zest
1 small egg
Small dash almond extract
1 tbs vanilla extract
1.5 tsp olive oil
Gind almonds, combine above ingredients. Combine below dry ingredients, then add:
1/3 cup GF flour mix
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
Cook on lower heat than normal pancakes. Usually I'm a tick above medium, but I ended up giong a tick under because they were browning too fast.
I love that this recipe is really high protein and fiber. Unfortunately, you can taste that it's missing fat and sugar and delicious processed grains. Next time I'm going to try butter rather than olive oil, and more of it! Cows' milk butter doesn't bother me, because (i think) the casein proteins and lactose are in the whey not cream when they're separated? Whatever the reason, thank god! I'm excited to try glutenfreegoddess's pancake recipe but it requires a bunch of flours that I don't have. Having 8-10 different kinds of flours on hand is just a pain in the ass!! I cooked the final pancake in lard rather than oil (first batch, bla), or butter (second batch, better), and it added a nice savory richness to it, but certianly did not cure it of it's blandness. Maybe next week I should attempt a combination mom's awesome buttery pancake recipe with this one and try to make a more nutritious and less glutenous version of mom's without abandoning the deliciousness!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
A few quick critter updates!
My wonderful little turkeys had their first day of freedom this weekend as I opened up their chicken tractor and let them go exploring! They stay in the tightest little flock, keeping up a constant commentary of peeping as they encounter exciting new things like chickens and the peacock and lots and lots of tasty things to peck at.
Cecil McLovin
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
(rant warning)
On top of this rampant germaphobia, most of our young visitors also seem to suffer from a complete inability to work. I kid you not, it took three 12 year olds ten minutes to move one bale of straw (not hay, this is less than 50lbs) into the goat pen, and the whining was epic. When (I would say "if," but I'm pretty commited to the peak oil theory) the economy changes and cushy jobs are few and far between, our society may very well be fracked. Where are the kids who want to fall in creeks, would give their right leg for the chance to pet a cute animal, and can happily muck some shit-filled stalls?
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Growing Season!
In addition to the chickens, the piglets are growing like mad, and I'm hoping all my fence repair will mean larger, greener pastures for them as soon as they're weaned. Burdock the calf is also growing (no longer heft-over-the-fence-able), and is as handsome as can be! We vaccinated him in my home-made livestock chute, and he was the only victim who didn't even flinch. His two older siblings put up such a dramatic fight one nearly gave Caitlin a concussion while she was closing the butt gate! Such spoiled critters.
One of the rabbits gave birth, but I couldn't see them way back in their nest box so I'll just have to take Peter's word for it. So excited for them to become furry, ambulatory, and adorable! We'll have to fix up one of the chicken "tractors" for them soon, and I need to get the third one all ready for my turkeys who are slowly but steadily getting pretty big! A little boy told me the other day that one of the six week old turkeys was the momma bird for it's much smaller siblings, which made me think of how far they have to go before they're actually mom-turkey size. They currently couldn't look much less like their adult counter part, King Louie.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Adorable Poults!
I just looked over because I heard Cecil smacking his lips, apparently in the middle of a very vivid dream. He's all curled up in a ball with his eyes rolling around and his face twitching like crazy! Must be tired from wrestling that big vole he brought me this morning! You'd think I'd be saturated with animal care out here, but I still desperately miss sharing life with a dog, especially this dog. Her death seemed so irrationally early and pointless, but if she was still here I wouldn't be at Rock Bottom and would perhaps be headed in a very different direction. If there's a plan behind all this stuff, I hope there's also a chance she'll be back to share in another chapter of my life.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The hoop house is actually getting vertical, which is admittedly a total surprise. We have bypassed things like leveling and uh, well, measuring for the most part. It's just a fifteen foot high 24'x48' structure, so I'm pretty sure planning and measuring would be overkill, right Dad? We don't have a transit or a skid steer or (until today) a tape measure longer than 25', but we do have a very wealthy board member with zero building experience on site daily and demanding progress. In fact, when he gets frustrated with all our measuring and planning, he just starts digging holes (abiet slowly and crookedly from behind that financier spare tire). So we have the ground posts in, and although they're not plumb or lined up, today they stuck two of the ridgelines up. They weren't bolted on straight, so one of them shoved out the ground post to a frightening angle. Frightening mostly because the ground posts are so easily pushed around! They were supposed to be set in concrete, but instead it was decided that we would dig a 2' hole (the top foot of which is freshly added compost and sand) with a post hole digger, plop the ground posts in, and pack a little dirt/compost in around the edges. Oh my god. As much as I like to bitch about Agriburbia, I was completely convinced our hoop houses weren't going to flop over, or look like hell for that matter. So, I guess the hoop house part wasn't delightfully productive, but on the other hand, it is nice to have the damn thing out of the box finally.
This week I've also learned how to set curtains for flood irrigation, mostly through trial and error. It was extremely wet, somewhat frustrating, but all in all pretty darn fun! It's pretty great to mess around in a ditch with a shovel and some tarps and then watch the pasture getting watered or drained just like that. Part of the west pasture has been under 4-8" of water since I moved here (> a month!), so I blockaded a box dam, unblocked a culvert, added a tarp curtain, and thirty minutes later that poor oxygen-starved (and increasingly stinky) patch of pasture was emerging from the depths! I drained another section simply with a few chunks of mud - yipee! Turns out rudimentary ditch/flood irrigation is not rocket science, so a shovel, some tarps, and a basic grasp of the theory of gravity got me pretty far out there! It's still far from perfect of course, and I need to get the tractor out there to redo some ditches. Grading would be great too, but I don't want to go down the plowing/sowing road when we've got a pretty healthy population of perennial grasses. 50 cows come tomorrow for a 1-2 week vaca in our lovely back 50. They should do wonders on that neglected land, and will give us a rough idea of the property's hay potential as well.
Other exciting news - today I cooked one of our chickens for dinner, which was a satisfying first! They're 16 days from slaughter still, but this one broke a leg (and dislocated a hip?) and needed an early retirement. We haven't yet set up any proper facilities, but there's a cone or two in the shed and the 350's tailgate made a great processing table - with a clean cutting board of course. Finding a sharp knife proved tricky (mine's been cutting electric fencing and twine for too many weeks), so I ended up using a box cutter blade for the important part. Plucking really was easier with this mutant half-naked breed, and I nailed the evisceration for once (Shannon, you'd be so proud!). Anyway, the chicken turned out pretty good, but not as tender as I was hoping. Cecil certainly didn't complain about his giblets though!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011
Massacre at Rock Bottom!
The chirps became a chorus, and something was definitely wrong out there. This wasn't just a bird complaining about getting squished by his siblings. I slid into my crocs on the way out the door and grabbed the coleman lantern. Once I got out the door, I could hear the chickens clearly and there was distinct pain and panic in their screams. I started running and fumbled hastily with the gate, one of many on the ranch that dangles from it's twine-reinforced hinges and has to be wrestled open. As I closed in on the pens my lantern lit a large hole torn through the wire side of one and a ribcage lying in bloody feathers. A brown furry something was moving in the pen, and chicks were flying through the air. My lantern was not putting out much light, and I started hollering "OUT OUT OUT YOU!" but the predator didn't turn or seem to notice me. I got close enough for my light to reach inside the pen, and the brown butt turned around and it was a bear with a chicken in it's mouth and paws sweeping through the hudding, screaming flock. It looked at me for just a moment, then turned away and continued the slaughter.
Bear! I hadn't even considered a bear, and I staggered back, feeling so unprepared in my pajamas and crocs. I ran back for the subaru, and raced to the pasture. The bear kept up his killing despite the headlights pouring in and my hollering, but began trying to escape when I laid on the horn (not in the middle of the steering wheel I finally figured out). He squoze himself through the hole he'd torn and loped off towards the river.
Corpses were stewn in every part of the pen, none eaten but many disemboweled. Every single chick had blood somewhere on it's body, and as I went for gloves Caitlin and Peter came running out to help.We triaged the birds and drowned the fifteen who seemed "unrehabilitatable" (a euphamism they employed at the animal shelters). Forty birds died tonight, and we'll probably loose a few more by morning to overlooked and internal injuries. We still have two hundred and five, and they're back in the barn on fresh straw to wait for their electric poultry netting to reinforce the pens (and I hope I fry that bastard when he comes back for seconds). Three o'clock and I'm off to bed but the adreneline is still fading from seeing that bear and the devastation he wrecked on our helpless chicks. I can't imagine why they kill so ruthlessly and needlessly, but I've read it's not uncommon with other predators like dogs and possums and weasels either. I'll have to talk to the ranchers who told us this pen design was predator proof and see if we left out the razor wire or something! I'll post pics of the surviors and the hole in the pen tomorrow. Phew!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Sampling and Monitoring!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Awesome new job, Awesome new location!!!
Big Willie just before I dusted him for his pits and buttcrack. also ears, inner thighs, and second chin.
Laura-jean's week old piglets :)