Sunday, July 17, 2011

A few quick critter updates!

Burdock is growing up to be completely gorgeous! I think dad must've been a red angus b/c I was expecting a black calf, but instead he's sporting this this handsome deep rust!

The pigs really need to be moved to a larger area of pasture, but in the mean time we've been giving them some weeds from the garden and thinned turnips which they're loving. I love this angle of Laura Jean. Not very flattering I suppose! What silly looking creatures :) We grilled up a smoked ham steak from her previous litter, and OMG I think I shall always keep a pig or two around. Ham is just amazing.

My wonderful little turkeys had their first day of freedom this weekend as I opened up their chicken tractor and let them go exploring! They stay in the tightest little flock, keeping up a constant commentary of peeping as they encounter exciting new things like chickens and the peacock and lots and lots of tasty things to peck at.

I also thought I'd add this pic of Eve the peacock trying to seduce some of the laying hens with his impressive display. He's so fun to watch and seems to be everywhere you look! He's always peeking in a window, sitting on a gable, or strutting in unexpected places. I think I may always keep a peacock around just for shits and giggles.

1 comment:

phutton said...

Are you keeping count of the # of animals you will "always keep around"? Why does the male peacock have a girl's name? Maybe that's why none of the other birds take him seriously. When I see the turkeys in a couple of weeks I'll be interested to see if they really are cuter.