Live Free or Die Hard is fantastic. I won't give away the ending for you, but wow! Rambo would be proud. Bruce is almost the sexiest old bad ass out there, except... he gets his medical care from a hospital. Clearly he is unaware that you can clean a gunshot wound by dumping gun powder in it and lighting it on fire. Get with the program, Bruce.
My bunny's molting. The mass of fur clumps escaping his person is actually disturbing. I had to do some google research to make sure he wasn't dying of a horrible hair-loss disease. I guess bunnies just do this. What weirdos. I'd take a picture of the fluff-ball, but he's being antisocial and won't come out from under the bed. I don't think he approves of my attempts to train him. Or he's sick of the cat sneezing at him. It is kinda gross. I've discovered that cats, like horses, tend to aim their sneezes at the face. Just makes cuddling more exciting I suppose.
Phil and I've just started in on a regimen of bunny dominance. Phil was getting a little full of himself, attacking helpless cats, hapless dogs, and even my roommate if she entered "his" terriority (my bed and everything under and next to it). I did some reading and have started clicker training him so he has to work for his food and attention. Does this seem ridiculous? Yes, I think so too. Most people just stick their bunnies in cages and avoid these problems entirely. Well, hopefully I'll end up with a content and obedient rabbit... we'll see. Maybe I'll just get him a girlfriend to settle him down (apparently being neutered doesn't exempt you from having needs).
Yesterday the weather completely winterized! My entire self was having a dark and terrifying flip-out. I'm starting to get intense pangs of desire for studying and stress and having professors claim every second of my free time. HALP! I love my job, and I thought that maybe the DDFL was my professional soulmate, but I think getting promoted would mean working management, gag. Who wants to boss people around and make sure to order enough dog food?
An update from my ongoing olfactory research: a GI bleed out is still the worst smell ever... but cat diarrhea comes in a close second! Wow, those beasts can create a stench. I got the opportunity to deep clean the lost and found cat rooms on shelter-wide cleaning day. Yummy.
I AM Daring Greatly
12 years ago
dammit Amy I miss you!!!!!!! But reading your blog is slightly helpful in easing the pain of your absence from my immediate life. What?
I'm in Budapest, Hungary right now. The other day I was in a sex shop with some friends, and I knew you would have enjoyed being there with us too. It was fun, and funny watching one guy "browsing" awkwardly while just waiting for us to leave so he could sift through the discounted porn DVDs. hehee. ANYWAY, I just wanted to say hi and that your animal kingdom sounds awesome as usual. I was sorry to hear about Harriet, but it seems Phil is getting along alright.
Yup! GI bleed (of any species) is about the worst thing I've ever smelled! MOM
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