We adopt out 17,000 animals every year!Several of our vets can spay a dog in under 12 minutes (at a normal clinic the surgery might take an hour or more)We have over six hundred regular volunteers, who contribute as much time and work as would 80 full time employees. 20% of animals in American homes are from animal sheltersIronically, right next door is a puppy mill outletAlso next door is a porn store with a giant billboard that says "It's cheaper than dating!"A small mammal is referred to as a "smam"
A 314 is bad
Breed bans suck
Friends with Benefits, a helpful chart...
My favorite part is the Flexible Spending pie chart. Listening is an obligation of dating apparently not required in casual relationships - narcissists rejoice!
When coffee hits your stomach...
Yeah, you know what that's talking about. Usually a good thing, sometimes...
You know how there's that little action hero in the back of your head who gets worked up and says inappropriately dramatic things like, "I'd take pleasure in guttin' you, Professor." Yeah, that one. To prevent dangerous outbursts when in traffic, it's good to do some weeding (with a big shovel; none of that pansy-ass dandelion plucking). My cranial gun-slinger particularly likes, "DIE MOTHERFUCKER!" and "I'VE HAD IT WITH THESE MOTHERFUCKING WEEDS ON THIS MOTHERFUCKING PLAIN!" The cheat grass will uproot itself in terror, I promise.