While I realize I'm not seeing a representative slice of the pop'n up here near Aspen, the state of America's children is none-the-less giving me some serious qualms about our future as a species. I can't tell you how many children are terrified of mud and manure. Since when do kids care about getting their shoes dirty?? On Saturday I was helping a 4 year old girl wash her hands and told her we were trying to save the trees by not using paper towels, and she started cry-screaming because her hands were intolerably wet. WTF? Luckily she wasn't tall enough to reach the paper towels herself, though she did take some leaps at it (not headed for the NBA, this one). She eventually recovered when her tiny little brain was distracted by the shrieking of her horrid compatriots as they detected incoming cake. Turns out I really can't stand entitled Aspen children, especially if they come for their farm-themed birthday party in sparkley sandels and frilly frocks.
On top of this rampant germaphobia, most of our young visitors also seem to suffer from a complete inability to work. I kid you not, it took three 12 year olds ten minutes to move one bale of straw (not hay, this is less than 50lbs) into the goat pen, and the whining was epic. When (I would say "if," but I'm pretty commited to the peak oil theory) the economy changes and cushy jobs are few and far between, our society may very well be fracked. Where are the kids who want to fall in creeks, would give their right leg for the chance to pet a cute animal, and can happily muck some shit-filled stalls?