Joy has been doing decently on her resource guarding (thanks published works of Jean Donaldson!), but lost a lot of ground last night. We were lounging in bed while she was getting the last morsels of dinner out of her kong. I must not have latched the door completely, and Tess nosed her way in. The Law and Order folks were hollering at the escaping criminal, so I didn't notice the door bump open, but Joy did and gave a warning growl over those last three kibbles. Tess was not about to take that sort of lip, so leapt onto the bed ready for business. The growling turned into a great deal of horrible noises, hideous faces, and lunging fangs, one set on each side of my head. With a show of buddha-like calm I began yelling ShitShitShit as loudly as I could and alternating between shoving one dog and tackling the other. Adrenaline is supposed to give you great powers of strength and reasoning, but instead turned me into a screaming, crouching windmill of arms, with no hint of either my first hand experience handling dog fights or my remaining knowledge of karate. The event ended somehow, without a moment of dog-dog contact. Perhaps Joy is just that intimidating, or my actions were bizarre enough to induce retreat, or, hopefully, Tess is making progress in her own training.
The unfortunate outcome: a few hours later Chaco walked by the now food-less room, and Joy overreacted horribly with a growl-snarl-bark-lunge in his general direction. Not just back at the beginning, but quite a bit worse. Damnit.
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