Friday, February 20, 2009


I wasn't supposed to end up unemployed... That's ok - Metal-smithing fun starts tomorrow, so who needs a pay check? I am so psyched to do some art and create something other than paperwork and death !!

My room has been filled with the cutest noises lately (probably because I've been sitting in it more than usual). Whenever the birds are nest building they talk to each other in these little tiny birdy mumbles and coos. It's really adorable and romantic. Ned's been contributing with these itsy bitsy coughs and sneezes that are completely incongruous with his giant, tubby body. He sounds like a baby chipmunk being tickled, it's just ridiculous.

Today I'm stewing some g. pig poops in warm water to make fertilizer because I'm growing this sunflower, and its bottom leaves are looking kind of yellow. I was trying to grow a peace lily, but it got fried in the south window, and then some seeds snuck into the pot and took over, and thus the sunflower was an excellent accident which I'd like to prolong with poo stew.

Speaking of poo, did you know that 99% of plastic bags have at least one hole, usually right there in the bottom?? It's really irritating trying to scoop using the side of the bag and then holding it all awkwardly so it doesn't leak. Also, Joy's poo is so potent that it will stink right through a sealed baggie. If there's not a nearby trash can, I might as well be walking around with her poop on a plate for the way the stench permeates the bag.

1 comment:

Carol said...

i know what you mean about the poo. Lilian can drop some bombs.