As for avian reproductive news - the second batch of eggs has arrived! I was feeling suspicious - I think their cooing changed in tenor a bit - so I checked the elaborate (and stinky) nest ...

There are some well placed dog hairs in that third picture for scale. So tiny! I was going to just crack the eggs into Joy's bowl and leave it at that, but I started imagining opening a fertilized egg, and if the little fetus was old enough it might be really uncomfortable to be dumped into the cold air and then eaten. So I put them in the fridge, which seemed like a better way to meet your end. I replaced the eggs with some wooden beads to stave off grief, but considering they kicked their first batch out of the nest (clumsy or infanticidal?), I think they'll be fine.
The one that was yellow was a dud, but the other two were developing nicely and looked a lot like the fetus I made in bronze casting last year. Joy took a nibble, but ultimately turned her nose up at her finchy snack.
Talk about cool hands on experiences, man I would love to have seen those eggs. what are you doing with them now?
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